UCI Building Survey Inspections Program

The UCI Building Survey Inspections program conducts annual inspections of State Regulated, State Mandated, and other buildings and spaces to ensure and maintain compliance with the California Code of Regulations (Title 19), as outlined in the existing MOU between the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) and the UC Regents. The Campus Fire Marshal (CFM) established the building inspection program to comply with the above regulation and to track staff performance metrics.

UCI Building & Campus Housing Survey Inspection

The Building Survey Inspection program conduct annual inspections of buildings and spaces for fire and life safety hazards which include, but are not limited to:

  • Fire and life safety systems (fire alarms, fire sprinklers, fire pumps, fire doors. Etc)
  • Signage (Exit signs, egress routes, etc.)
  • Means of egress and emergency assembly points
  • Occupancy classification and use
  • Occupant load
  • Storage

This escalation process has been developed to ensure that accountability in resolving outstanding inspection findings has been built into the program. Fire safety will seek to obtain closure on all hazards identified during the inspection process and periodically follow up with the responsible parties (Building Facilities Managers and/or School Coordinators) to check on the status of open findings and provide any assistance necessary to close out the findings. As part of our ongoing quality control process, closed items will be evaluated by the Program Manager or Fire Safety Inspector(s).

If no action is taken on resolving the findings, EHS' administration will generate a report of all open findings that have exceeded the required closure date (see below) and will send this to the Building Facilities Managers. Then the report will be shared with their respective assistant dean and/or department chairs or cepartment cirectors. After this report is shared and if audit findings remain open, a quarterly report will be generated by EHS' administration and shared with thechief financial officer and vice chancellor for Finance and Administration, and the provost and executive vice chancellor of UC Irvine.

Inspection findings Priority Levels

  • Imminent Danger to Life and Health (IDLH) Closure within 24 hours
  • Priority One (P1) Closure within 0-7 Days - Serious safety hazard, serious/willful regulatory violations and/or significant fire and life safety code violation that poses a serious safety or compliance risk
  • Priority Two (P2) Closure within 8-30 Days - Moderate safety hazard or moderate/repeat regulatory violation and/or moderate fire and life safety concern, poor housekeeping, safety documentation issues, safety training compliance, etc.
  • Priority Three (P3) Closure within 31-90 Days - Minimal safety hazard, possible regulatory violation, infrastructure, deferred maintenance, etc.

Campus Fire Prevention staff, managed by a Campus Fire Marshal (CFM), established an annual inspection schedule, conducts the required inspections, and generates reports (and corrective action plans) for identified findings. The CFM is responsible for monitoring the compliance and management of identified inspection findings. The Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) outlines the type of inspections required:

Existing Building Inspections - State Mandated

  1. Residential Occupancies (dormitories, hotels, motels, and other dwellings)
  2. High Rise Structures of any occupancy types
  3. Institutional Occupancies (detention facilities, holding cells)

Existing Building Inspections - State Regulated

  1. Assemblies
  2. Chemical and biological laboratories
  3. Business
  4. Mercantile
  5. Storage
  6. Factory
  7. Utility

Existing Building Inspections - Schedules

Existing Building Inspections - Resources

UCI Building Survey Inspectors
Name Title Phone Email
Eric Gardner Assistant Fire Marshal 949-824-9665 gardner@uci.edu
Daniela Bravo Fire Safety Specialist 949-824-6200 bravod2@uci.edu
Natalia Perez Fire Safety Specialist 949-824-6200 natalp3@uci.edu
Rito Rincon Fire Safety Specialist 949-824-8586 mxrincon@uci.edu
VACANT Fire Prevention Officer